Quality Dimensions
Quality has a number of dimensions, among which are the following:
- Performance. Performance implies that the product or service is ready for the customer’s use at the time of sale.
3 dimensions to performance are important: reliability, durability and maintainability.
o Reliability means consistency of performance. It is measured by the length of time a product can be used before it fails;
o Durability refers to the ability of a product to continue to function even when subjected to hard wear and frequent use;
o Maintainability refers to being able to return a product to operating after it has failed;
- Features. These are secondary characteristics; - little extrsa, such as remote control on a TV
- Conformance. Meeting established standards or specifications. This is manufacturing’s responsibility;
- Warranty. An organization’s public promise to back up its products with a guarantee of customer satisfaction;
- Service. Service is an intangible generally made up of a number of things such as availability, speed of service, courtesy and competence of
- Aesthetics. Aesthetics means pleasing to the senses;
- Perceived quality. Total customer satisfaction is based on the complete experience with an organization, not just the product;
- Price. Customers pay for value in what they buy. Value is the sum of the benefits the customer receives and can be more than the product itself.
All the dimensions listed above are elements of value. These dimensions are not necessarily interrelated. A product can be superb in
one or a few dimensions and average or poor in others.